Just a reminder of what I'm aiming for. I'm all done with the body and now am working on the eyes. I want my giraffe's eyes to not be so googley, so I'm taking some different turns. First, remembering what I did for the T-Rex, I created eye sockets.
Next, I changed how I created the eyes themselves. In the original giraffe pattern, the eyes are supposed to be a white ball with a black circle sewn on. I opted for starting my eye ball with 2 rows of black and switching to white. I had problems with that black, too. I could not see where the stitches started and ended. My solution, use the flash light on my phone. I hung it over the ledge of my laptop and that really bright LED flash let me finally see what the heck I was doing.
This is what the eyes looked like at first. I know I pointed this out with the T-Rex, but I'm gonna say it again, these eyes are void of any emotion or feeling at all. The black needs smoothing out.
Gasp! I think I know how she did these eyes!!! I don't think I need the eye sockets after all. . . . I want to say more about all of this, but I don't want to give away her secrets. Buy her patterns, people!! If for no other reason, you learn so much from them!!
This is a visual wish list of the patterns I want to eventually get from her.
That's a start. I'm sure there are tons more. She really is a genius.
After many tries and re-tries, I finished an eye last night. I had to go with a double row of chain stitches around the pupil, and I'm not sure I'm sold completely on the dark brown color, but it's a completed eye! I'm thinking I'll make the other eye a light brown color and see how I like that, but for now, here it is:
Those are pins around the eye. I haven't sewn it on just yet since I'm still not sure if I like it. I might want to lower the eyes and move them in a little more, too. One thing I learned from my cartoon drawing days: Eye placement is everything. She also won't look so scared once I put an eyelid on her.